Measure your indoor climate

How healthy is the indoor climate in your home?

A good indoor climate is important for your health and for the preservation of your home and inventory. You must ensure there is sufficient fresh air in your home. But what is the actual indoor climate in your home, when should you ventilate and for how long? To help you with this, Duurzaam Duinoord has a new campaign: Measure your indoor climate. You can read all about it on this page.

Did you know that...

    a family produces an average of 10 to 15 liters of moisture per day by breathing, washing, showering, cooking, you exhale approximately half a liter of moisture per person per night, from the things in your house and from cleaning products, unhealthy gases are released, burning candles or a fireplace affects the air quality makes the house worse by insulating, natural ventilation is reduced.

Then you understand how important ventilation is. You must ensure that sufficient fresh air enters your home, especially in rooms where there are a lot of people or in areas where a lot of moisture is released.

The standard is at least 25 m3 of fresh air per hour per person. To clarify this: the average living room in Duinoord is 150 m3. A family with four people living together in the living room must ensure that the air in the living room is changed every hour and a half.

If you don't ventilate enough...

    the air in your house becomes too humid, which can lead to fogged up windows, wood rot, mold formation and a stale air in the house, the CO2 content in the air rises, causing you to suffer from fatigue, headaches, concentration problems, the amount of particulate matter and other fumes becomes too high which can also lead to health problems.

Do you want to know more?

You can read all about the what and why of ventilation in the presentation about a Healthy indoor climate that Brian Eisenburger gave at the Winterklare Festival on Wednesday, November 8.

Download the presentation here

Action: Measure your indoor climate!

We have a CO2 meter available to borrow, with which you can properly measure the air quality. If you monitor the CO2 and moisture levels in different places in your house for a week, you can see what happens when you are in the room with many people, for example, when you sleep with the windows closed or when you are cooking. You also see the effect when you open a window. This way you will discover how you can ensure a healthy indoor climate.

The CO2 meter is small and handy and is very easy to use. We provide a manual so that you can get started right away. No technical knowledge is necessary.

If you still have questions after a week, one of the energy coaches will be happy to visit you to discuss the results with you and think about improving the indoor climate.

Register here for your indoor climate week

    You can register below to borrow a CO2 meter for a week. We will process requests in order of receipt. About a week in advance you will receive an email in which week you will be able to borrow the CO2 meter. We will return the CO2 meter after a week. pick up at your home. Participation is free.

CO2 meter registration

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